Deal announcement

Krzewinski+Partners successfully assisted Industrya with its investment in SupAirVision.

Industrya is a hands-on investment fund that operates exclusively in the Industry 4.0, energy, and new materials sectors.

SupAirVision is an expert in wind farm diagnostics by drone.

Thibaud Le Séguillon, CEO Industrya: “We have identified a real ability to respond to market demand, by developing the most relevant products to provide the best technical and operational solution.

In addition, through its onshore and offshore wind turbine maintenance activities in France, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, and Morocco, the John Cockerill group will undoubtedly have a role to play in the acceleration of SupAirVision.

We are therefore delighted to invest in SupAirVision and to support the development of its growth.

Deal team: Christophe KrzewinskiSamuel Darcheville (with Stéphane Rodriguez and Audrey Billon from Lamartine Conseil)

Press Release


Deal announcement


Deal announcement